söndag 17 april 2011

holy smokes!

Har fått loggar för 2-3 dar på raken nu som visar på 50 besökare per dygn??
Kanske dags att börja göra nåt här igen då.
Frågan är, vad vill ni jag ska skriva om?
Svenska eller engelska?
Nåt tema?
Bara vardagsbestyr (inte så mycket att skriva hem om tyvärr)

Bara att lämna en kommentar isåfall.


tisdag 25 januari 2011

A little reflection on the weekend that passed…

Time for a little look on the weekend that went then.
Can’t say too much else than that
it was the best weekend in a long time.
(except for the weekend that have been spent at home, that is).
I like living in the dorm, but there’s still something special
about the weekends, when everyone leaves and you get to be on your own.
Just spending the time for yourself :-)

Otherwise, I guess it has been like always.
Cleaned my little den, taken out the trash, laundry next friday.
Have been a soft weekend on all occasions in other words :-)
Have been searching around a bit for causes for the car’s
funny behaviour (cutting out when least expected - while driving!).
There’s something with the ignition electronics, probably a weak sensor
or something. Will change it during easter break if weather allows..

Oh, and I took my camera up with me
(bought a new one on the boxing day sales),
so probably will try to get my ass out and snap some pictures.
We’ll see about that one, I presume.

Don’t know if there’s too much more to write about right now,
at least not in this note. Another may come later.
And of course there is the lyrics/music blog to check out


måndag 17 januari 2011


Sorry I kept you waiting.
Just wanted to say that I've been thinking a little lately
(don't worry, this time it means a good thing is coming),
about the future of this blog and such things.

Was just shooting some ideas when I came up with
a thing that might allow this blog to live on.
Since I'm not really a fan of shutting down blogs like this
I guess even this one will live on, albeit a little denied
from time to time.

For those who are reading this and want some new stuff in swedish,
well, I can tell you I've started a new swedish blog on
This also brings me to the core of this note.
I thought about making this blog an english version of that blog.

I'll be keeping this design for now though, simply because
I want to keep it somehow standing on its own two feet.
So I guess that was all for this short note.

More info will come as time goes by.
Take care.